Friday, December 13, 2013

A Ruby Christmas (Free on Kindle)

Hey All!  I have some exciting news to share with all of you. Right now and for the next couple of days over at Amazon "A Ruby Christmas" is FREE on kindle.

I've already downloaded my free copy, what about you?

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Julie (J.A) Marx's "A Ruby Christmas" interview & giveaway

Here's a great way to start off the Holiday season. Please join me in welcoming Co-author Julie Marx to my blog. She's here to share with us a little about herself and her book, "A Ruby Christmas."
A Ruby Christmas, co-authored novella, Dec 2013

Tell us a little about yourself. 
I write from Texas. I’ve published various articles, co-written 2 novellas, and I edit for one of the top national healthcare e-zines. My most helpful writing is my private prayer/bible study journal.

Why do you write the kind of books you do?
With this particular Christmas novella being the exception to what I’m about to say, I like books with a deep meaning, for example Tosca Lee’s “Demon.” Superficial, watered down stories won’t hold my attention. And I’ve always had a strong interest in spiritual warfare. That combination naturally leads me to write supernatural suspense with a heavy dose of psychology.
Besides writing, what are some of your favorite hobbies?
When I’m not writing, you can find me working out at the gym, cooking up healthy meals, or traveling with my wild-at-heart husband.

Have you always wanted to be a writer?                                                                                                     No. But my father was a fantastic storyteller, and I’ve always loved storytelling. After reading Frank Peretti’s spiritual warfare books, I decided to write one of the many stories roaming my mind. That happened in my late 30s. I’m presently making connections with an agent who will be peddling a supernatural suspense series, presently titled, The Destiny Series.

What advice would you give a beginning writer?
Write from your heart. Study the craft diligently. Expect rejections, but don’t give up. Develop a platform by writing articles, preferably (but not necessarily) in an area related to the type of novels you write. By all means, plug into a critique group and attend writing conferences. And occasionally eat chocolate. (70% dark is my fave)

What book are you currently working on?
A Ruby Christmas is a novella co-authored by nine authors, including a contest winner who submitted a winning chapter last spring.

Please tell us a little about the novella.
Ruby tells the journey of a young Texas cowgirl and her show dog, Yippee. Her father sends them around the world to collect Nativity pieces to help replace their old dilapidated crèche. It’s also part of their healing process and adjusting to the death of Ruby’s mother. How her dad will put together all the pieces is a mystery that builds to the surprise at the end.

How can readers find the authors and this Christmas novella on the Internet?
Starting tomorrow (Monday 12/1/13) will be posting one chapter every day for 10 days (excluding the weekend). The e-book version will become available on Amazon after that.
Thank you so much, Julie, for being a guest on my blog.
Drawing will be held December 14